Thursday, July 7, 2011

Star Wars: Riptide by Paul S. Kemp Mini-Excerpt #2

Star Wars Books on Facebook has posted another mini-excerpt from an upcoming Star Wars novel release, this time the second mini-excerpt from Paul S. Kemp's Riptide

Riptide is the sequel to Crosscurrent starring Jaden Korr and is due to be released October 25, 2011.  Look for an excerpt of Riptide in the back of Timothy Zahn's new book Choices of One.
"The sizzle of igniting lightsabers sounded from behind him and instinct took over. He rolled to his left, bounded to his feet, took his own blade in hand, and ignited it. The red line sparked and hissed, a mirror of his mood. Force lightning shot from his fingers, coiled around his hilt, his blade. He reveled in the newfound intensity of his power."
SOURCE: Star Wars Books on Facebook

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