Comments regarding Paul S. Kemp's Star Wars duology by Author Paul S. Kemp, Editors Frank Parisi and Erich Schoeneweiss:
Kemp: "SW books calls my next Star Wars project (the duology) "very ambitious." Given my stress level, I'm gonna agree. ;-)"
Schoeneweiss: "Next few weeks? What's the rush? Is Grandmaster Skywalker visiting?
We're working on some exciting ideas but aren't ready to announce them yet. As for November, we'll update you on the late 2012 calendar soon. (ES)"
Parisi: "We're not yet ready to talk about Paul's duology. What I can say is that it's a very ambitious project; the first one will not come out this year (unfortunately) as he's taking his time to construct the story (fortunately). (FP)"
Comments regarding Zahn's "Smuggler novel" by the author Timothy Zahn:
Star Wars news update!
While most of the details (including the title) will have to wait until an official announcement is made (which I'm told will be sometime next month), I *have* been authorized to release a few tidbits concerning my now-officially-approved upcoming Star Wars novel.
First, it will be be set in the classic movie era.
Second, it will be an Ocean's Eleven-type heist caper.
And third, it will star everyone's favorite smuggler, Han Solo.
Further details to come.
As a fan of both authors as well as the franchise as a whole, I am pretty excited for these three books.
SOURCE: Star Wars Books and Timothy Zahn
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