
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Star Wars Celebration Europe News: Star Wars Rebels Concept Art and News


Youtube User TheHuskyDog7 posted video from the panel including the question and answer session.

Star Wars Celebration host Warwick Davis had Dave Filoni up on stage this morning discussing Star Wars Rebels.  At the panel Dave revealed the Rebels' official logo, gave us a production update and a peak behind the curtain at concept art from the series.

Official Logo:

Concept Art:

The first two images below are official concept art released via, the remainder are images captured by fans at Celebration Europe.  

Image Source: Official Blog

Image Source: Official Blog

Image Source: @DeathStarNews

Image Source: @MarkNewbold1971
Image Source: @RebellRadion

Image Source: @InfiniteEarths
Image Source: @InfiniteEarths

Production Update:

On the animation style and production:

12:59: Filoni says they opened the archives and looked at all of Filoni’s originals, to see texture and details. They were often slightly different from what made it to film, which was perfect. “We wanted to create a look for this part of Star Wars that precedes A New Hope by just a little bit.” He adds “We have created a set of digital brushes that replicate McQuarrie’s style…We’re going for something that’s much more an illustrative look.”
13:05: No animation has really been created yet, but Filoni shows off some Star Wars Rebels concept art, including an Imperial interior! He talks about very specific color schemes. The Empire is always glossy and silver. Luke wears browns and sandy colors. Han is multi-colored. Leia wore white because she was in the Imperial Senate.

It is interesting that they have not done any animation on the show yet, but not surprising.  Also we received no casting or character information on the series yet, except for a hint at what type of character the main character may be by way of a ship. 

On the main character and a featured ship: 

13:14: Now showing the Ghost, a new ship from the show, which will be central. Filoni says he wanted it to feel like a home, the way the Falcon did. They’re also working hard studying the original films, hoping it will match the look of classic Star Wars.
Ghost as the name of the main characters ship is certainly an interesting choice. It could have multiple meanings. The ship could have some stealth capabilities, or it could imply that the main character is themselves a "ghost" or a person that the Empire thinks is dead. 

I'll be taking a more in-depth look at the ship in another post. 

Stay tuned for more Star Wars Rebels news as it develops. 

SOURCES: Star Wars Blog, and various Twitter Feeds linked above. 

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