
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Who Framed Ahsoka Tano? UPDATED 2/24

Who is the rogue Jedi who is responsible for the nano-droid bombing of the Temple and presumably for the framing of Ahsoka Tano?

2/24/13 UPDATE:

Based on the events of Season Five Episode 19, To Catch A Jedi, I think we can safely eliminate Sora Bulq, because the bad guy who got the jump on Asajj and then Ahsoka is clearly of the female persuasion.

Now clearly Dave and crew want the viewer to suspect Barriss Offee as the culprit.  We see Barriss alone in her quarters wearing dark clothing and talking to Ahsoka via comlink.  Later in the episode it is Barriss who gives Ahsoka the lead to the munitions factory where she is confronted by the masked assailant and captured by the Clone/Jedi task force.

As an Expanded Universe fan, and a big fan of the MedStar Duology that stars Barriss Offee, I would have a lot of storytelling problems with how they are handling Offee's character if they make her the villain.  I would also have some reservations because Barriss is one of very few friends that Ahsoka has in her peer group.

The good news is that while we see Barriss in what appears to be dark clothing, the outfit appears to be different than the attacker.

In terms of how the character's body looks it seems close enough that it could be Barriss, but the outfits are clearly different gone is the skirt that Barriss wears and in is a catsuit with different textures than the rest of Barriss' usual outfit.  I think we are getting some misdirection here.

For the life of me I can't figure out is who the character might be if it is not Barriss.  It seems odd that we would have a completely new character that would set out to frame Ahsoka.  One possibility is a return of Aurra Sing, but this would mean that Dave Filoni and crew are giving Sing back EU Force abilities that they prevented her from displaying earlier in the series.

This is setting up to be one great season finale.  I guess the real killer will be unmasked next week.

Original Speculation:

Based on Lucas' penchant to borrow from the Expanded Universe comics, one has to wonder if the prime suspect is Jedi Master Sora Bulq and if Bulq's story will involve a heavy does of retroactive continuity repair.

There is one telling shot from this weeks episode that leads heavily to this suspicion.

In addition to our usual cast of characters we have a few odd ones.  The Episode Guide says this about this image:
"Among those in attendance of the Jedi funeral are Mas Amedda, Palpatine, Mace Windu, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Barriss Offee, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Plo Koon, Yoda, Eeth Koth, Admiral Tarkin, Admiral Coburn, Admiral Yularen, Kit Fisto, Saesee Tiin, Shaak Ti, Tera Sinube, Bail Organa, Mon Mothma, Eekar Oki, and a Weequay Jedi."
This could simply be the TCW crew re-purposing a well used character model, i.e. Weequay pirates to fill in the background of this scene, or it could be a telling clue.

I suppose we will find out in one of the next two episodes.



  1. I think they would've named him if he had an important role in the episodes.

  2. It was Barris Offee, no doubt. She told Asoka where to go to search for evidence. She and Ventress were the only people who knew where she was. It wasn't Ventress,., so it had to be Barris. It was a girl who attacked. It wasn't Sora Bulq. It was Barris. I know I am right.

    1. There is a chance that the real perpetrator is a character we haven't met before/known, but it is very small. That being said, the above poster hit the nail on the head. I'm curious as to why Barris chose to frame Ahsoka. She set up Letta and Ahsoka's meeting, which lead to the framing of her murdering Letta (after all, Letta was told if she should talk to any Jedi, she should talk to Ahsoka).

    2. After sleeping on it, I think I might have a reason why Barris would frame Ahsoka. Originally, Barris' intent was to bomb the hanger, kill a few clones to send her message, perhaps because she felt she could not express her opinion in any other way. Perhaps she was aiming to get the Jedi out of the army and the war, but didn't want to jeopardize something. Maybe she didn't want to displease her master, or felt by coming out against the war she would be jeopardizing knighthood as she may on the cusp of knighthood.

      When Barris told Letta to only trust Ahsoka, Barris assuming that Ahsoka would be sympathetic to Barris' 'delivery' her views. However, several unintended consequences resulted: some Jedi were killed in the blast as well, one of whom Barris knew personally, and Ahsoka was shaken by the events and aftermath. As Barris was listening to Ahsoka both when Tarkin and Anakin were with them and when she was alone with Ahsoka, Barris realized that Ahsoka would not be as sympathetic as previously thought, and would most likely turn her in if Ahsoka knew it was her all along.

      When she realized this, Barris may have felt no other choice but to frame Ahsoka as to prevent the truth from coming out. Barris' words/demeanor with Ahsoka suggest she really didn't want to frame Ahsoka, and probably that once it was over, Barris could put this incident behind her and try to forget about it.

  3. Replies
    1. It can't be Darth Sidious because he doesn't have a female body, or does he... ;D

    2. I hate sidious!!! he killed savage and hurt maul...if I was my character and in the series I would totally kick his butt!!!

  4. I don't want to believe that it is Barris Offee... But, all signs point to her. We can be being manipulated, but it seems to make the most sense.

    1. It was her!!!!!! It was Barris Offee AND OMG AHSOKA QUIT BEING A JEDII! I am truly shocked

  5. At the dude above, yes it is obviously her. Extended universe does not really mention this jedi gone dark.

    She was the only one that new where she was.

    It was NOT Sidious. It was a girl anyways.

  6. Ya but why would it be Barris? She and Ahsoka have been friends sinse like forever. And it's probably going to be ruined by being someone that we don't even know.

  7. I believe it is Barris. Letta said to Ahsoka that some Jedi want to go back to the way the Jedi used to be, right before her death. In the episode where Ahsoka was framed, Barris said the line "things will never change" in more of a whisper and regretful tone than a general comment. Plus, Barris is a by-the-book padawan. She is always in the temple and knows her way around. That would explain how she could get into the prison and free Ahsoka. To wrap it up, Ahsoka and Barris are friends, which means Barris knows everything about her. It would be easy to manipulate her and predict her next move.

  8. It all seems to point to Barriss but wouldn't Ahsoka notice that Ventress was suddenly 5" shorter during combat? ie. Ventress is 5-10, Barriss 5-5 and Ahsoka 5-3?

  9. Think! Who would want to frame Ahsoka besides Barris? Aurra maybe? she had jedi powers before she became a bounty hunter.

  10. Aurra has big hands and the antenna isn't there. So it couldn't be her!.

  11. Cannot be Barriss because she supposedly makes it until order 66...

    1. The SW Story is subject to revision based on George Lucas' whim. The Clone Wars series has changed the SW story/cannon, for example:

      Prior to this series, Anakin was knighted about 6 months or so before the end of the war, whereas this series changed it him being knighted about 6 months since the outbreak of the war.

      Even Piell originally survived through Order 66 in a novel, but in the Clone Wars he dies during the Citadel series near the end of Season 3.

  12. Does anybody realize that you can look through every episode to see enemies of ahsoka that have lived and then just narrow it down to who it could most likely be? Or its Barriss

  13. It will be someone new. There aren't too many females we know of that have force abilities, but I think the culprit is the emperor's hand - MARA JADE. She would certainly know how to handle a lightsaber too.

  14. Guys there are 3 possible peoole that could have framed her
    Here is the list:
    1 barrios offe
    2 aura sing
    3(my theory) mandolorian girl cannot remember her name
    The reason for her to frame ahsoka would be revenge on maul for killing pre visla

  15. EMolders hand much? Expanded UN.s Mara jade

  16. it was barrios offe. She felt that the jedi order had strayed fromthe dark side. Once Ashoka was found not guilty she left the order, rubbish ending in my opinion.
